ETF Holdings

Find out how many shares of individual stocks you own in all your ETFs.

About ETF Holdings

As of 2025, the popularity of Exchanged Traded Funds(ETFs) continues to grow. The benefits of owning ETFs compared to mutual funds and individual stocks are well known:

Keeping track of the individual stock holdings that make up ETFs can be daunting. Most ETFs are dynamic funds, meaning they continuously buy and sell (rebalance) parts of the fund. The constant change makes it nearly impossible to know exactly which stocks and how many shares make up a fund at any one instant. Each ETF does publish their stock holding lists on their websites, however the lists appear in varying formats and websites depending on the ETF Issuer which can be hard to navigate.

ETF Holdings removes the work of manually viewing and totalling your holdings in different funds by different ETF issuers. ETF Holdings automatically analyzes your entire ETF portfolio and displays the total amount of individual stocks you own at any one moment, categorized by company.

Now you will know how many shares of NVDA, TSLA, and APPL you actually own!

Who We Are

We are a small team of investors and engineers and we are also ETF fans. We are always hiring, so please email us to learn more.


ETF Holdings is located in Tysons Corner, Virginia:

1751 Pinnacle Dr #600

McLean, VA 22102

Contact Us

email: [email protected]